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Working with the NNN

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The goal of the NNN is to build a network of experts and organizations that facilitate and expedite the transition of nanotechnologies from core research and breakthroughs in the laboratory to production manufacturing. The NNN continues to build partnerships with industry, government and academia, and seeks opportunities to formalize new affiliations.

Partners and affiliates will find value added through a range of services including training and education, industrial vision and roadmap development, thematic conferences and workshops, and the promotion of best practices in nanomanufacturing. Additional services will provide user forums for ES&H discussions, description of evolving processes, trends, and technologies in the area of nanomanufacturing.

If you are interested in partnering with the NNN, contact us.  

Resources for Nanomanufacturing 

In order to advance nanomanufacturing and competitiveness in the U.S., collaborations must be established between key resources and organizations to address challenges of significant national importance. While initial advances in nanomanufacturing will likely be an evolution of existing manufacturing practices and infrastructure incorporating nanomaterials and components, the long term vision will involve revolutionary processes and practices, tools, materials, and embedded metrology and analytical techniques. In order to achieve this long term vision, critical resources, capabilities, and knowledge must be brought together to advance the state-or-the-art. To facilitate the necessary breakthroughs that will have high impact in the nanomanufacturing community, information exchange, resource partnering, and open discussion of ideas, discoveries, and best practices is necessary. The NNN seeks to provide an open platform network for exchange of this vital information.

InterNano ( is the online information resource of the NNN, providing additional services for knowledge sharing, such as highlighting and archiving relevant news and publications, providing expert reviews of recently published literature, maintaining a database of emerging nanomanufacturing processes, facilitating a self-maintained database of experts and organizations, and promoting updates of nanomanufacturing testbeds ongoing throughout the US.

Private-Public Partnerships 

To further accomodate the networking necessary to establish these collaborations, the NNN is presently building an alliance of members and affiliates that will facilitate the discussions, interactions, and critical teaming arrangements for development of nanomanufacturing testbeds and demontrations. The NNN encourages and promotes registration of individual and organizational resource information on it's directory in order to facilitate networking, sharing of timely information, and partnering of key resources. This self-maintained directory enables registrants to provide individual or organizational information on capabilities, needs, links, publications, patents, and processes. In order to further enhance the value of the NNN, the members and stakeholders in specific industrial and technolgy sectors are encouraged to provide this important feedback, either in the way of open forums on the Internano website, or through direct, individual contact to the NNN which will not be placed in open forums without the permission of the member. This key information helps the NNN to understand the short term and long term needs of the community and industrial sectors, and allows us to incorporate these needs into long term development and roadmap strategies. Members may further provide important feedback on news highlights, events, reviews of recent publications, and issues impacting the commercialization of nano-enabled products.

Outreach and Services 

The NNN's role in facilitating these key collaborations will serve the nanomanufacturing community as a whole, by:

  • Providing reviews and information archives on emerging nanomanufacturing topics addressing the needs of small businesses, large businesses, and specific industrial sectors.
  • Connecting members having specific needs with members having potential solutions.
  • Establishing a virtual user network with the NNN affiliates and developing appropriate guides for working with the user network.
  • Promoting and establishing research testbeds and demonstrators for new nanomanufacturing techniques through the NNN affiliates.
  • Establishing nanomanufacturing research roadmaps for specific industrial sectors.
  • Providing an information exchange forum through InterNano to enable direct communications between member organizations and individuals in the field.

If you would like to work with the NNN to find resources, collaborators, workshops or to help define your nanomanufacturing needs, please contact us.
