The Society of Manufacturing Engineer's Innovations That Could Change the Way You Manufacture program highlights emerging technologies that are currently impacting manufacturing procedures.
The member-driven program, going back to 2008, is an educational forum for SME members to stay current on technologies that are ready for implementation and, in some cases, have been sucessfully integrated into practice.
On the 2010 list, three nano-enabled technologies make an appearance. In each case, integrating nanoscale components or nanomaterials will allow for enhanced or altogether new products.
- Nanoporous Silicon Electrodes: extending the life of lithium ion batteries;
- Nanotube Inks: enabling a new class of portable electronics;
- Nanofibers: enhanced materials properties through mass production.
Read the entire SME Innovations List for 2010.
Nominate your favorite innovation for the SME 2011 Innovations List. Nominations are being accepted until September 30, 2010.