Scott Jacobs

Vice President Product Development
Treasurer & Director
Quantum Confined

BS Chemistry, CNC-W&M, MS ChE, UVA, plus significant additional Ph.D. level coursework in semiconductor technology, electrical engineering and computer science. Mr. Jacobs worked for IBM in research, development and production of semiconductor ICs and thin films.  Mr. Jacobs is an expert in the areas of semiconductor technology processes and materials.   He has applied this knowledge in the fields of micro- and nanolithography, nanofluidics, biochips and solid state and quantum dot nanotechnology.   He has 25 years’ experience in developing technologies with IBM, Polylithics, Virtual Integration, BioMachines, NanoLume and L2P.  Mr. Jacobs was a founder and Vice President of L2P (contributing significantly to its product planning), NanoLume and Polylithics, which was sold to Mosaic Semiconductor.  Mr. Jacobs will take the lead in product development at QCL.  Mr. Jacobs has 10 U.S. patents. He is a recipient of the IBM Major Technical Achievement Award.