- Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Sandia/Los Alamos National Laboratories
CINT provides open access to tools and expertise for research and development projects through their Core (Albequerque) and Gateway (Sandia and Los Alamos) Facilities which house a comprehensive suite of synthesis, characterization, and device integration tools.
- The Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Under four cross-cutting research themes, the Molecular Foundry hosts six different user facilities, among them a Nanofabrication facility with expertise in lithography and pattern transfer and thin film processing. - Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory
The Center for Functional Nanomaterials is operated as a national user facility, accessible to researchers at universities, and industrial and national laboratories through peer-reviewed proposals. The user program provides access to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities staffed by scientists and technical support personnel who are active in nanoscience research. - Center for Nanophase Materials Science, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a Department of Energy / Office of Science Nanoscale Science Research Center (NSRC) operating as a highly collaborative and multidisciplinary user research facility. The central organizing concept of CNMS is to provide unique opportunities to understand nanoscale materials, assemblies, and phenomena, by creating a set of scientific synergies that will accelerate the process of discovery. - Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory
The CNM user program provides access to equipment and technical expertise and is open to academia, industry, government agencies, and research institutes worldwide that have questions in nanoscience or nanotechnology that they wish to address. Access is obtained via brief peer-reviewed proposals with no charge for users who intend to publish their results. Access is also available on a cost-recovery basis for proprietary research that is not intended for publication. Prospective users are encouraged to contact CNM staff members to learn more about the science and capabilities at the CNM. Multi-user facility projects that could benefit from the use of the CNM, Advanced Photon Source (APS), and/or Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) also are possible.
The Department of Energy also has three Electron-Beam Microcharacterization Centers, which operate as user facilities:
- Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research, Argonne National Laboratory
The Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) at Argonne National Laboratory develops and maintains unique capabilities for electron beam characterization and applies those capabilities to solve materials problems. The EMC staff perform collaborative research with members of the Materials Science Division, other Divisions at Argonne and with collaborators from universities and other laboratories. The expertise and facilities of the EMC additionally serve a group of national and international researchers. The EMC emphasizes three major areas: materials research, technique and instrumentation development, and operation as a national research facility. Research by EMC personnel includes microscopy based studies in high Tc superconducting materials, irradiation effects in metals and semiconductors, phase transformations, and processing related structure and chemistry of interfaces in thin films. - National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
The National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM) is one of the world’s foremost centers for electron microscopy and microcharacterization. It is an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. As a national user facility, NCEM is open to scientists from universities, government and industrial laboratories. The center provides cutting-edge instrumentation, techniques and expertise for advanced electron beam microcharacterization of materials at high spatial resolution. NCEM’s purpose is to conduct fundamental research relating microstructural and microchemical characteristics to materials properties and processing parameters; to develop advanced electron microscopy techniques, computer algorithms and instrumentation; and to help educate future scientists in the theory and application of electron optical microcharacterization. - Shared Research Equipment (SHaRE) User Facility, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Shared Research Equipment (ShaRE) User Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is one of three Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers supported by the Scientific User Facilities Division of the Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy. Since its inception in 1977, the ShaRE User Facility has provided access to a suite of advanced instruments and staff scientists for the μm to-Å-scale characterization of materials.