The frontier of electronic and photonic devices lies in nanoscience and nanotechnology research. At the nanoscale, materials and structures can be engineered to exhibit interesting new properties, some based on quantum mechanical effects. Our research focuses on pushing nanofabrication technology to the few-nanometer length-scale by using charged-particle beams combined with self-assembly. We use the technologies we develop to push the envelope of what is possible with photonic and electrical devices, focusing in particular on the nanowire-based superconductive photodetectors.
This group focuses on the manufacturing of nanoparticles and well organized structures containing many nanoparticles. More generally, the field of nanotechnology focuses on small scale particles and devices. For instance, some of the particles we study such as Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) can have diameters of less than 1 nm, this is roughly 100.000 times smaller than a human hair. At the same time these tubes can reach very long lengths, up to more than half a meter.