- Nanoinformatics Workshop 2015
January 26-28, 2014
Shenandoah Ballroom
Holiday Inn National Airport Hotel
Arlington, VAThe purpose of the Nanoinformatics 2015 workshop is to bring together stakeholders in order to assess the state of informatics relevant to the all aspects of the nanotechnology enterprise and to set priority targets for the future. From materials to processes to products; accessible data, information, models, and simulations will enable innovators to optimize performance and accelerate the innovation cycle from concept to product. Scientists and engineers will be able to efficiently assess the safety of new nanomaterials and quantitatively implement best practices of safe manufacturing and usage of nanomaterials throughout product lifecycles. Scientists will share predictive models and data that enable the design and discovery of nanomaterials and the resulting performance of systems that use them.
- Nanofabrication Technologies for Scaled Roll-to-Roll and Print Manufacturing 2013
October 23-24, 2013
Barcelona, SpainAn Academic-Industry Workshop on Technologies for U.S.-EU Collaborations
This workshop will bring together invited researchers, institutions, and leading companies involved in rollto-roll and print processing and scalable nanomanufacturing methodologies, to identify and discuss challenges for successful merging of these technologies for advanced device and system manufacturing. The workshop will conclude with a discussion of general parameters for a multi-year technology roadmap to guide progress and potential collaborations between the U.S. and EU in roll-to-roll and print processing of nanoscale devices.
- Nanomanufacturing Summit 2013
October 15-17, 2013
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PAThis year’s event, being co-organized by the National Nanomanufacturing Network (NNN), the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA), and Ben Franklin Technology Partners will be held at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The two-day conference will highlight regional and state initiatives fostering the commercialization of nanotechnology research, and will further provide an opportunity to learn about initiatives and topics in nanomanufacturing including emerging processes, scaled manufacturing platforms, advancements in innovative products and applications, nanoinformatics, and legislative and regulatory activity overviews impacting the broader nanomanufacturing community. The event will foster the critical collaboration and information exchange needed to realize both the societal and economic benefits offered by integrated nanomanufacturing techniques in order to accelerate the commercialization and scale-up of emerging nanotechnology-enabled products.
- Nanoinformatics for Nanomanufacturing 2013
October 15, 2013
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PALearn how informatics is being used to advance nanomanufacturing. The purpose of this workshop is to assess current activities and plan a future in which informatics streamlines the nanomanufacturing enterprise. From materials to processes to products; accessible data, information, models, and simulations will enable innovators to optimize performance and speed up the time from concept to product. Informatics for nanomanufacturing will become a key element of sustainable manufacturing - helping companies quantify liability threats; comply with regulations; minimize materials usage, energy consumption, and overall cost; while ensuring safety to people and the environment. Informatics for nanomanufacturing will provide the digital thread throughout the value chain, enabling acceleration of innovations through expanded resources and capabilities.
- Symposium on Materials and Processes for Flexible Devices and Electronics
May 16, 2013
University of Massachusetts AmherstThis Symposium will bring together experts from academia and industry to describe the latest in advanced materials and processes leading to scalable manufacturing methodologies for next generation flexible and electronic devices. Topics will include flexible electronics, organic photovoltaics (OPV), organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), flexible displays, nanocomposites, additive-driven assembly, roll-to-roll (R2R) processing, and emerging tools.
- Nanomanufacturing Summit 2012
September 4-6, 2012
Boston, MAJoin colleagues at the Nanomanufacturing Summit 2012 – showcasing emerging areas of nanomanufacturing and commercialization of nanotechnology-enabled products by leaders in the field of nanomanufacturing. This year’s event is being co-organized by the National Nanomanufacturing Network (NNN) and the NanoBusiness and Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) (formerly the NanoBusiness Alliance), and provides an opportunity to network with the broader nanomanufacturing community to foster the critical collaboration and information exchange needed to realize both the societal and economic benefits offered by integrative nanomanufacturing techniques. A full program has been designed to feature keynote speakers along with invited and contributed presentations highlighting areas of research that facilitate the transition from fundamental research to innovation to implementation fostering the commercial development of nanoscale systems and devices. The event further includes research poster sessions, networking reception, and topical panel discussions on emerging trends and opportunities in nanomanufacturing and commercialization of nano-enabled technologies.
- Greener Nano 12: Nanoinformatics Tools and Resources Workshop
July 30, 2012
Portland, ORGN12 will bring together informatics groups with materials scientists and active nanoscience researchers to evaluate and reflect on the tools/resources that have recently emerged in support of predictive nanotechnology. The goals of this workshop are to establish a better understanding of current applications and clearly define immediate and projected informatics infrastructure needs for the nanotechnology community. We will use the theme of nanoEHS to provide real-world, concrete examples on how informatics can be utilized to advance our knowledge and guide nanoscience.
In preparation for the workshop, we will host two preliminary webinars. Part I Webinar will provide 15 minute overviews of current nanoinformatics tools with detailed information on our current state-of-the-science. Part II Webinar will provide live interactions with the developers of those nanoinformatics tools and resources. An email line will be opened 24 hours in advance of the Part II live webinar for interested parties to submit questions, comments and feedback.
- Nanoinformatics 2011
December 7-9, 2011
Arlington, VANanoinformatics 2011 brought together informatics experts, nanotechnology researchers, and other stakeholders and potential contributors to advance Nanoinformatics 2020 Roadmap goals. The workshop set a clear path for Nanoinformatics participants through the presentation of projects and research, open discussions, and strategic planning sessions. December 7-8 featured nanoinformatics presentations on a variety of topics as well as focused talks on Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships and Minimum Required Characteristics. December 9th was a working day where feedback and ideas on the Nanoinformatics 2020 Roadmap from meeting attendees was especially welcome.
- Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies for Roll-to-Roll Processing
September 27-28, 2011
Boston, MAThis workshop will bring together invited researchers, institutions, and leading companies involved in roll-to-roll processing and scalable nanomanufacturing methodologies, to identify and discuss challenges for successful merging of these technologies in advanced device manufacturing. The workshop will conclude with a discussion of general parameters for a multi-year technology roadmap to guide progress in roll-to-roll processing of nanoscale devices.
Read the Final Report from the Workshop
- Nanomanufacturing Summit 2011
September 25-27, 2011
Boston, MAJoin colleagues at the Nanomanufacturing Summit 2011 – showcasing emerging areas of nanomanufacturing and commercialization of nanotechnology-enabled products by leaders in the field of nanomanufacturing. This year’s event is being co-organized by the National Nanomanufacturing Network (NNN) and the NanoBusiness and Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) (formerly the NanoBusiness Alliance), and provides an opportunity to network with the broader nanomanufacturing community to foster the critical collaboration and information exchange needed to realize both the societal and economic benefits offered by integrative nanomanufacturing techniques.
- Nanoinformatics 2010
November 3 - 5, 2010
Arlington, VANanoinformatics 2010 was a collaborative roadmapping workshop which brought together informatics experts, nanotechnology researchers, and other stakeholders and potential contributors to jointly develop a roadmap for the area of nanoinformatics (collaboratively organized with nanoinformatics community organizations).
- New England Nanomanufacturing Summit 2010
June 22 - 24, 2010
Lowell, MAThe Northeast Nanomanufacturing Summit 2010 was a showcase for high-quality technical contributions by scientists, experts, and businesses in the field of nanomanufacturing. The event included topical papers on emerging technologies, applications, and fundamental research for academic institutions and industries in the Northeast, along with national and international contributions.
- Synergies in Nanoscale Manufacturing & Research Workshop
(co-sponsored with the NNIN)
January 28 - 29, 2010
Ithaca, NYThis two-day event brought together experts in nanoscale manufacturing to showcase developing process methods for nanomanufacturing and to plan synergistic approaches for advancing manufacturing platforms with potential for scale-up.
- Nanomanufacturing Summit 2009
May 27 - 29, 2009
Boston, MA.The Nanomanufacturing Summit 2009 was a showcase for high-quality technical contributions by experts and practitioners in the field of nanomanufacturing, as well as a networking event for the broader nanomanufacturing (NM) community. A primary objective was to highlight those areas of practice that stand out from the general nanotechnology and nanoscience themes as being near-term and having the potential to facilitate the commercial development and/or marketable application of nanoscale systems and devices.
- Research Challenges for Nanomanufacturing Systems
February 11 - 12, 2008
Arlington, VA.Advancing nanotechnology from the laboratory into high volume industrial production for commercial use ultimately requires careful study of manufacturing system issues including product design, reliability and quality, process design and control, shop floor operations and supply chain management. The identification and resolution of potential bottlenecks and implementation challenges is essential to achieve commercialization and realize the potential of large investments in fundamental research. This 1½ day workshop will bring together approximately 25 leading experts to identify key issues for manufacturing of nanotechnology-enabled products and to begin the process of categorizing specific concerns for individual product technologies and segments.
- Nanoinformatics Workshop
June 12 - 13, 2007
Arlington, VA.Nanoinformatics involves the development of effective mechanisms for collecting, sharing, visualizing, modeling and analyzing information relevant to the nanoscale science and engineering community. It also involves the utilization of information and communication technologies that help to launch and support efficient communities of practice. Nanoinformatics is necessary for comparative characterization of nanomaterials, for design and use of nanodevices and nanosystems, for instrumentation development and manufacturing processes. The purpose of this workshop is to identify and prioritize nanoinformatics needs, discuss ongoing activities and draw up strategies for the future. Participants include cognizant leaders from national nano networks and centers who are actively engaged in building effective information and communication resources, as well as informatics experts from other research communities who can inform and advise.
- Nanomanufacturing for Solar Energy Conversion
May 18, 2007
Amherst, MAA one-day workshop on research and design of solar energy conversion devices with presentations by David Carlson, Arthur Nozik, Michael McGehee, Seth Marder, Eray Aydil, Sankaran Thayumanavan, and Russell Gaudiana followed by an idea-generating session to identify important R&D issues associated with the development of improved solar energy conversion devices, with a strong emphasis on needs, challenges and creating viable manufacturing pathways.