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Academic Centers
- NANOFAB, University of Texas at Arlington
The Nanotechnology Research & Education Center is an interdisciplinary resource open to scientists within and outside of the University. Research activities are conducted through mutually-beneficial associations of chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical and aerospace engineering, materials science and physics faculty, graduate students and research assistants at UTA, as well as collaborative efforts with investigators at other universities and in the private sector.
- Triangle National Lithography Center, North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina
The NCSU Nanofabrication Facility provides users with a broad range of nanofabrication capabilities to support a diverse set of projects. The facility houses virtually all standard thin film processing tools including a state-of-the-art ASML laser scanner for high volume, 193 nm patterning. The facility serves as a melting pot for a community of top-notch researchers from academica, government labs and industry representing a ariety of disciplines. The vast majority of users, many traveling from afar, prefer to come on-site for hands-on access to the facility. However, users with well-defined projects can also have their work performed by our experienced staff.
- Center for Micro-Engineered Materials, University of New Mexico
The UNM Center for Micro-Engineered Materials (UNM CMEM) serves as a focal point for materials science research and education at UNM. The research performed by the UNM CMEM faculty is highly leveraged because of close collaboration with research scientists from Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and the Sandia Center for Integrated Nanotechnology (CINT). The mission of UNM CMEM is to provide a focal point for materials science research and education at UNM. We work to develop new interdisciplinary technologies that make the United States more competitive in ceramic science and engineering nanoscience. Our goal is to transfer these technologies to industry in order to foster the development of competitive reproducible ceramic, polymer/ceramic composite and nano materials for advanced high performance systems.
- Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology, University of Pennsylvania
The Singh Center is a next-generation nanotechnology center that merges traditional approaches to nanoscale development with unique state-of-the-art equipment, materials and ideas. With a focus on innovation, the Singh Center is a hub for scientists and researchers that integrates state-of-the-art nanofabrication and nanocharacterization equipment to define new frontiers in nanotechnology. The Center boasts expert and experienced faculty and staff who are committed to the success of its users and interested in new approaches to realizing and implementing nanotechnology applications.