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Structured Materials Industries, Inc.
Structured Materials Industries, Inc.
201 Circle Drive North, Unit 102/103, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854

Structured Materials Industries, Inc. (SMI) provides custom solutions to quality made cost-effective CVD tools, components, device structures and materials. Since 1992, we have worked with researchers, developers, and entrepreneurs to generate custom solutions that meet their needs and provide them with a competitive advantage. Our company has an in-house applications development laboratory and has grown over 60 different materials.

UD Nanofabrication Facility
UD Nanofabrication Facility
221 Academy Street Newark, DE 19716 USA

The UD Nanofabrication Facility (UDNF) will enable researchers in academia, industry and government to create devices smaller than a human hair, supporting scientific advances in fields ranging from medical diagnostics to environmental sensing to solar energy harvesting.

The UD Nanofabrication Facility (UDNF), part of the research wing of UD’s Patrick T. Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory, has world-class capabilities in the areas of deposition, etching, lithography, material modification and characterization.

1227 Innsbruck Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA

SAMCO was founded by Osamu Tsuji in 1979 as the Semiconductor And Materials COmpany (SAMCO). From its modest beginnings in a garage in Kyoto, Japan, SAMCO has grown into a $50 million corporation with more than 150 high-level design and production research associates at its corporate headquarters in Kyoto, Japan, sales offices in Tokyo, Tokai, and satellite offices in Kanagawa, Tsukuba, and Sunnyvale, California. The Silicon Valley research and development facility in Sunnyvale was opened in 1987.

PO Box 2891 Corvallis, OR 97339 USA

Amorphyx is an innovator at the intersection of materials science and electronics for the display market. We leveraged our expertise in amorphous metals and the creation of high-quality thin films in developing the Amorphous Metal Nonlinear Resistor (AMNR) device, subpixel circuit, and PECVD-based manufacturing process. The AMNR simplifies backplane processing and reverses the trend of increasing complexity and cost in the TFT-LCD.

Rue de la Maladière 71C Case postale 672 Neuchâtel, 2002 Switzerland

INDEOtec is a Swiss privately held company offering thin film deposition equipment. The company is located in the Neuchatel-Jura region of Switzerland, center of excellence for Micro- & Nano-technologies, as well as famous for its watch industry and fabrication of precision manufacturing equipment.

Wolf Nanofabrication Facility
Wolf Nanofabrication Facility
300 Moore Building 200 South 33rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

WNF is a user facility serving the nanofabrication needs of the Penn community as well as those of external users. It is named in honor of Prof. Jack Wolf, a Penn alumnus.

Center for Advanced Materials Processing
Center for Advanced Materials Processing
PO Box 5665 Potsdam, NY 13699-5665 USA

The Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) at Clarkson University is dedicated to developing Clarkson's research and educational programs in high-technology materials processing and is focused on industrial concerns and meeting industrial needs. CAMP's mandate is to develop innovations in advanced materials processing and to transfer this technology to business and industry. The Center is built on Clarkson's recognized expertise in colloid and surface science and fine particle technology.