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P2i Inc.

P2i Inc.

Global Leadership in Invisible Functionality

P2i is uniquely positioned to provide tailored, invisible functionality across a range of manufacturing requirements, through proven nano-coating solutions. With commercial expertise driving application across five market sectors and a commitment to global service and support, P2i delivers outstanding performance improvement and new market opportunities to a wide range of products.

P2i was established in 2004 to commercialize technologies developed by the UK Government’s Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (DSTL). Research and development have identified innovative applications equipment and processing methods, culminating in a growing patent portfolio extending to over 65 families. Ongoing acquisitions have provided valuable new technologies such as antimicrobial, super hydrophilic and protein resistance coatings - making P2i the global leader in invisible surface functionality.

In addition to headquarters in the United Kingdom, P2i has a technology centre in the United States, and an applications centre in China. P2i's technology is indicated in the Electronics sector by either its splash-proof or Dunkable™ nano-coatings. In the Lifestyle sector, the technology is known as ion-mask™, while the P2i brand is used for industrial applications, such as those found in the Filtration and Life Sciences sectors.

P2i Inc.
33 Park of Commerce Blvd.
Savannah, Georgia
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+44 1235 833100
